JavaScript plugin

As of version 2.0 django-comments-xtd comes with a JavaScript plugin that enables comment support as in a Single Page Application fashion. Comments are loaded and sent in the background, as long as like/dislike opinions. There is an active verification, based on polling, that checks whether there are new incoming comments to show to the user, and an update button that allows the user to refresh the tree, highlighting new comments with a green label to indicate recently received comment entries.


This plugin is done by making choices that might not be the same you made in your own projects.

Frontend opinions

Django is a backend framework imposing little opinions regarding the frontend. It merely uses jQuery in the admin site. Nothing more. That leaves developers the choice to pick anything they want for the frontend to go along with the backend.

For backend developers the level of stability found in Python and Django contrasts with the active diversity of JavaScript libraries available for the frontend.

The JavaScript plugin included in the app is a mix of frontend decisions with the goal to provide a quick and full frontend solution. Doing so the app is ready to be plugged in a large number of backend projects, and in a reduced set of frontend stacks.

The JavaScript Plugin is based on:
  • ReactJS
  • jQuery (merely for Ajax)
  • Remarkable (for Markdown markup support)
  • Twitter-bootstrap (for the UI and the tooltip utility)

The build process is based on Webpack2 instead of any other as good a tool available in the JavaScript building tools landscape.

The decision of building a plugin based on these choices doesn’t mean there can’t be other ones. The project is open to improve its own range of JavaScript plugins through contributions. If you feel like improving the current plugin or providing additional ones, please, consider to integrate it using Webpack2 and try to keep the source code tree as clean and structured as possible.

Build process

In order to further develop the current plugin, fix potential bugs or install the the plugin from the sources, you have to use NodeJS and NPM.

Set up the backend

Before installing the frontend dependencies we will prepare a Python virtualenv in which we will have all the backend dependencies installed. Let’s start by creating the virtualenv and fetching the sources:

$ virtualenv ~/venv/django-comments-xtd
$ source ~/venv/django-comments-xtd/bin/activate
(django-comments-xtd)$ cd ~/src/  # or cd into your sources dir of choice.
(django-comments-xtd)$ git clone
(django-comments-xtd)$ cd django-comments-xtd
(django-comments-xtd)$ python develop

Check whether the app passes the battery of tests:

(django-comments-xtd)$ python test

As the sample Django project you can use the comp example site. Install first the django-markdown2 package (required by the comp example project) and setup the project:

(django-comments-xtd)$ cd example/comp
(django-comments-xtd)$ pip install django-markdown2
(django-comments-xtd)$ pip install django-rosetta
(django-comments-xtd)$ python migrate
(django-comments-xtd)$ python loaddata ../fixtures/auth.json
(django-comments-xtd)$ python loaddata ../fixtures/sites.json
(django-comments-xtd)$ python loaddata ../fixtures/articles.json
(django-comments-xtd)$ python runserver

Now the project is ready and the plugin will load from the existing bundle files. Check it out by visiting an article’s page and sending some comments. No frontend source package has been installed so far.

Install frontend packages

At this point open another terminal and cd into django-comments-xtd source directory again, then install all the frontend dependencies:

$ cd ~/src/django-comments-xtd
$ npm install

It will install all the dependencies listed in the package.json file in the local node_modules directory. Once it’s finished run webpack to build the bundles and watch for changes in the source tree:

$ webpack --watch

Webpack will put the bundles in the static directory of django-comments-xtd and Django will fetch them from there when rendering the article’s detail page:

{% block extra-js %}
<script src="{% static 'django_comments_xtd/js/vendor~plugin-2.3.0.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'django_comments_xtd/js/plugin-2.3.0.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock extra-js %}

Code structure

Plugin sources live inside the static directory of django-comments-xtd:

$ cd ~/src/django-comments-xtd
$ tree django_comments_xtd/static/django_comments_xtd/js

├── src
│   ├── comment.jsx
│   ├── commentbox.jsx
│   ├── commentform.jsx
│   ├── index.js
│   └── lib.js
├── vendor~plugin-2.3.0.js
└── plugin-2.3.0.js

1 directory, 7 files

The intial development was inspired by the ReactJS Comment Box tutorial. Component names reflect those of the ReactJS tutorial.

The application entry point is located inside the index.js file. The props passed to the CommentBox object are those declared in the var window.comments_props defined in the django template:

  window.comments_props = {% get_commentbox_props for object %};
  window.comments_props_override = {
    allow_comments: {%if object.allow_comments%}true{%else%}false{%endif%},
    allow_feedback: true,
    show_feedback: true,
    allow_flagging: true,
    poll_interval: 2000,

And are overriden by those declared in the var window.comments_props_override.

Improvements and contributions

The current ReactJS plugin could be ported to an Inferno plugin within a reasonable timeframe. Inferno offers a lighter footprint compared to ReactJS plus it is among the faster JavaScript frontend frameworks.

Another improvement pending for implementation would be a websocket based update. At the moment comment updates are received by active polling. See commentbox.jsx, method load_count of the CommentBox component.

Contributions are welcome, write me an email at or open an issue in the GitHub repository.