Filters and Template Tags

Django-comments-xtd comes with three tags and one filter:

  • Tag get_xtdcomment_count
  • Tag get_last_xtdcomments
  • Tag render_last_xtdcomments
  • Filter render_markup_comment

To use any of them in your templates you first need to load them:

{% load comments_xtd %}

Get Xtdcomment Count

Tag syntax:

{% get_xtdcomment_count as [varname] for [app].[model] [[app].[model] ...] %}

Gets the comment count for the given pairs <app>.<model> and populates the template context with a variable containing that value, whose name is defined by the as clause.

Example usage

Get the count of comments the model Story of the app blog have received, and store it in the context variable comment_count:

{% get_xtdcomment_count as comment_count for blog.story %}

Get the count of comments two models, Story and Quote, have received and store it in the context variable comment_count:

{% get_xtdcomment_count as comment_count for blog.story blog.quote %}

Get Last Xtdcomments

Tag syntax:

{% get_last_xtdcomments [N] as [varname] for [app].[model] [[app].[model] ...] %}

Gets the list of the last N comments for the given pairs <app>.<model> and stores it in the template context whose name is defined by the as clause.

Example usage

Get the list of the last 10 comments two models, Story and Quote, have received and store them in the context variable last_10_comment. You can then loop over the list with a for tag:

{% get_last_xtdcomments 10 as last_10_comments for blog.story blog.quote %}
{% if last_10_comments %}
  {% for comment in last_10_comments %}
    <p>{{ comment.comment|linebreaks }}</p> ...
  {% endfor %}
{% else %}
  <p>No comments</p>
{% endif %}

Render Last Xtdcomments

Tag syntax:

{% render_last_xtdcomments [N] for [app].[model] [[app].[model] ...] %}

Renders the list of the last N comments for the given pairs <app>.<model> using the following search list for templates:

  • django_comments_xtd/<app>/<model>/comment.html
  • django_comments_xtd/<app>/comment.html
  • django_comments_xtd/comment.html

Example usage

Render the list of the last 5 comments posted, either to the blog.story model or to the blog.quote model. See it in action in the Multiple Demo Site, in the blog homepage, template blog/homepage.html:

{% render_last_xtdcomments 5 for blog.story blog.quote %}

Render Markup Comment

Filter syntax:

{{ comment.comment|render_markup_comment }}

Renders a comment using a markup language specified in the first line of the comment.

Example usage

A comment like:

comment = r'''#!markdown\n\rAn [example]( "Title")'''

Would be rendered as a markdown text, producing the output:

<p><a href="" title="Title">example</a></p>

Markup languages available are: