
List of template files used by django-comments-xtd.

django_comments_xtd/email_confirmation_request.(html|txt) (included)
Comment confirmation email sent to the user when she clicks on “Post” to send the comment. The user should click on the link in the message to confirm the comment. If the user is authenticated the message is not sent, as the comment is directly approved.
django_comments_xtd/discarded.html (included)
Rendered if any receiver of the signal confirmation_received returns False. Tells the user the comment has been discarded.
django_comments_xtd/email_followup_comment.(html|txt) (included)
Email message sent when there is a new comment following up the user’s. To receive this email the user must tick the box Notify me of follow up comments via email.
django_comments_xtd/max_thread_level.html (included)
Rendered when a nested comment is sent with a thread level over the maximum thread level allowed. The template in charge of rendering the list of comments can make use of comment.allow_thread (True when the comment accepts nested comments) to avoid adding the link “Reply” on comments that don’t accept nested comments. See the simple_threads demo site, template comment/list.html to see a use example of comment.allow_thread.
django_comments_xtd/comment.html (included)
Rendered when a logged in user sent a comment via Ajax. The comment gets rendered immediately. JavaScript client side code still has to handle the response.
Rendered when a not logged-in user sends a comment. Django-comments-xtd try first to find the template in its own template directory, django_comments_xtd/posted.html. If it doesn’t exist, it will use the template in Django Comments Framework directory: comments/posted.html. Look at the demo sites for sample uses.
django_comments_xtd/reply.html (included)
Rendered when a user clicks on the reply link of a comment. Reply links are created with XtdComment.get_reply_url method.
django_comments_xtd/muted.html (included)
Rendered when a user clicks on the mute link of a follow-up email message.